Thursday, September 16, 2010

A World of Blurbs

I have been receiving the blurbs for the book. First of all, I would like to thank those who agreed to read the manuscript and blurb it. It is no small task, I know. Secondly, I have been humbled by the response. When those you admire tell you that you've succeeded in many ways, you feel truly blessed and reinvigorated.

On that note, I have started working on the second collection again. Working through some of the original hair-brained ideas has been challenging, but I suppose that is part of the writing world, figuring out what works and what doesn't. This collection, I feel, is going to be even better than the last.

I will say this: Trying to create with all the other commitments and responsibilities that I live with is no small task. I wonder if all working-writers feel this way at some point. I'm sure they do. At the end of the day, the thought of sitting down to work on a story is overwhelming and exhausting. That said, one must soldier on because the only way to achieve anything is to persevere.

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